Monday, 11 February 2013

Labour Group Leader on North Tyneside, Cllr Jim Allan has slammed Elected Mayor Linda Arkley for voting to cut police numbers in Northumbria.

Labour Group Leader on North Tyneside, Cllr Jim Allan has slammed Elected Mayor Linda Arkley for voting to cut police numbers in Northumbria.

At Wednesday's meeting of the Police & Crime Panel, Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner,  Vera Baird, put forward a proposal which would result in households in Band A in North Tyneside paying an extra 4p per week to put an extra 50 police officers on the beat. Chief Constable Sue Sim gave operational confirmation that the extra officers were needed/

Cllr Allan said “Here in North Tyneside we are proud of our police officers, we know that local residents appreciate the work that they do and want to support them in their efforts in continuing to make North Tyneside a safer place to live and work.”

At the meeting of the Police & Crime Panel, nine members of the panel supporting the recommendation to put more police on the street with the sole opposition coming from Mrs Arkley.

Cllr Allan added: “The Police & Crime Commissioner’s proposal to pay for 50 police officers in Northumbria, for just 4p extra a week is great value for money.  Local residents I have spoken to know that policing is important and are happy to support this. 

"The Council Tax increase of less than £3.00 per year would have all gone to the Police. Why Mrs Arkley voted to cut policing in Northumbria is beyond me”

Ms Baird said: “I’m delighted that we have guaranteed the funding to pay for 50 officers in Northumbria.

"During my consultation, North Tyneside residents told me they wanted me to make Neighbourhood Policing a priority. I’m pleased that the majority of members on the panel agreed and supported my budget proposal."